Wednesday, 17 June 2020

About me

Hi my name is Satyn and I am gonna share a little info about me. I have 13 brothers and sisters including me
2 of them are my real sisters but the rest are my half, I'd rather not spell their names cause there's a lot. I am half Maori half Pakeha, I go to boic, my old school was KawaKawa primary school, i like butter chicken and Mcchicken combo with a second Mcchicken burger, with a Raspberry drink.
I am good at reading and writing I don't really like maths, maths isn't my thing. I enjoy talking to my friends and hanging out with them I like the food from the tuck shop. My challenge is to get better at maths, my goal Is to get really better at maths and take my learning to the standard that i'm suppose to be at.
What i'm looking forward to this year is how exciting it might be or how challenging it could be. I want to achieve my learning in maths. Idk who really inspires me.

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